
Moleskine is getting to the point that it’s the ubiquitous notebook. The Scotch tape or Kleenex of the written word world. We’re fine with that, but we need constant visible reminders about the important things happening today because we can’t be bothered to take said ubiquitous notebook out of our pocket umpteen times a day. The point is this – even with event reminders on your smart phone of choice, you’ve forgotten an important date by lunch time because you dismissed it. It’s not your fault, but that won’t stop the significant other from holding it against you. The solution is to go low tech. The 2011 Moleskine Desk Calendar is just a giant Moleskine notebook with detachable pages labeled with the day and date. It’s got the same standard hard cover, but this one folds open to keep it upright. And there’s no dismiss button.

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Are you looking for a stylish and durable everyday writing tool?  Elevate your writing experience and show off your distinctive style with the Zebra Pen STEEL Series. The entire month of November, Zebra Pen is celebrating their STEEL line! Combining style strength and value, their wide variety of stainless-steel writing tools in the STEEL Series ensure writing comfort with industry-leading precision and stability. This series is called a classic for a reason – they are the ”write” tool for anyone and any job.

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