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Tired of the hustle and bustle of your regular life? Looking to find some peace and serenity? Forget saving up to buy a house in suburbia. For the same amount of money, you could be the proud owner and resident of a private island in the Isle of Arran, Scotland. We’ve previously covered the perils of attempting to purchase a private island. The difference is that this particular plot of land, Pladda, comes already equipped with a five-bedroom house, walled garden, and picturesque lighthouse. The listing website discloses that the house is a bit of a fixer-up. But, you’d still manage to have a completely private retreat of roughly 28 acres on this small island. Plus, you’ll have an unparalleled connection with the flora and fauna as the island is an important breeding ground for a variety of migratory seabirds, with over 100 species recorded on Pladda island in the past. The seller is asking for offers starting at $423,000 so we recommend breaking out the checkbook now.

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Are you looking for a stylish and durable everyday writing tool?  Elevate your writing experience and show off your distinctive style with the Zebra Pen STEEL Series. The entire month of November, Zebra Pen is celebrating their STEEL line! Combining style strength and value, their wide variety of stainless-steel writing tools in the STEEL Series ensure writing comfort with industry-leading precision and stability. This series is called a classic for a reason – they are the ”write” tool for anyone and any job.

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