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Are you looking for a stylish and durable everyday writing tool?  Elevate your writing experience and show off your distinctive style with the Zebra Pen STEEL Series. The entire month of November, Zebra Pen is celebrating their STEEL line! Combining style strength and value, their wide variety of stainless-steel writing tools in the STEEL Series ensure writing comfort with industry-leading precision and stability. This series is called a classic for a reason – they are the ”write” tool for anyone and any job.

In the market for a tool that makes short work of all the tedious tasks you seem to constantly tackle in the yard? Enter the Rake Assassin by Root Assassin Garden Tools. It rakes. It…


Any apartment dweller knows that “gardening” is limited to a few of the most indestructible herbs. With limited sunlight and space, growing actual vegetables is close to impossible. That is, of course, unless you give…


Doing It Yourself isn’t always the easiest or cheapest option, but odds are you won’t find anything more satisfying than finishing a DIY project with your own two hands. Each week, we’re going to showcase…


It’s just about that time when we can all think about spending more time outside. Along with bike rides and trips to the beach, that means a good quality fire every once in a while.…


Round these parts, when we use the word pot it’s for not for something you use to store plants, it’s the plant itself. In fact, this might be the first time we’ve ever covered a…


Listen up, skip that bed full of odd vegetables you’re never going eat but are just planting to showoff, and keep that bit of money. You’re going to need it if you plan on buying…


Every baseball fan has noticed and admired the outfield grass at a ballgame at one point in time.  (If you’re a Mets fan, it’s just about the only thing on the field worth looking at.) …

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