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Partner: Sponsor

Whether you just closed on a new condo, upgraded to a house or sealed the deal on a larger apartment, it’s a fair bet that you’re going to need new furniture. Speaking from experience here, the brick and mortar furniture options suck, and the online options are nebulous at best. That’s where Home of Cozy comes in. The team at Home of Cozy was built to take the guesswork out of online furniture buying by providing a one-stop resource for everything that makes your home, well, cozy. Upgrade your spaces with Home of Cozy today.

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Are you looking for a stylish and durable everyday writing tool?  Elevate your writing experience and show off your distinctive style with the Zebra Pen STEEL Series. The entire month of November, Zebra Pen is celebrating their STEEL line! Combining style strength and value, their wide variety of stainless-steel writing tools in the STEEL Series ensure writing comfort with industry-leading precision and stability. This series is called a classic for a reason – they are the ”write” tool for anyone and any job.

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