
One look at the publishing house and the price tag should tell you all you need to know about the quality of this Star Wars coffee table book set for release on November 15. It’s Taschen, and it’s close to $200. It’s going to be epic. Made in cooperation with George Lucas and Lucasfilm, this tome covers the making of the original trilogy that dazzled audiences in the late ’70s, offering moviegoers an experience they’d never had before. What’s tucked inside? Script pages, production docs, concept art, storyboards, and the list goes on. If you’re a hardcore Star Wars fan, this is pretty much a must-buy item. 

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Are you looking for a stylish and durable everyday writing tool?  Elevate your writing experience and show off your distinctive style with the Zebra Pen STEEL Series. The entire month of November, Zebra Pen is celebrating their STEEL line! Combining style strength and value, their wide variety of stainless-steel writing tools in the STEEL Series ensure writing comfort with industry-leading precision and stability. This series is called a classic for a reason – they are the ”write” tool for anyone and any job.

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